
Virtual reality of social media

We are living in an era where is Virtual reality of social media becoming over-weighted on us. Unconsciously or you can say indirectly we have become the slave of virtual reality. Years ago when we got transformed from animals to humans at that time one thing also changed that is the base of humans and that is awareness or you can say the power of choice. We as humans understand things as it is.

Now, what is virtual reality? Virtual reality is not a real reality but seems like it is real. Virtual reality is computer-based reality designed to be accessible to people by any software. we watch movies and when we watch a movie we reach a point where we get so engrossed in the story that we feel that whatever is happening on screen is real. And we cry, laugh, get angry because our mind unconsciously accepts it.

The reality of Virtual reality.

Virtual reality always plays with our mind and the mind is so powerful that if you don’t learn to control it, it will control you and you will be a slave of it. First, we have to understand that why virtual reality is so powerful and controls our minds?  there is a chemical inside of our brain”dopamine” which is a feel-good hormone. when this hormone releases inside our brain we feel happy.

The basic nature of our brain is pursuing pleasures all the time and pleasures can be in the form of anything. It could be smoking, alcohol, sex, masturbation, rewards, etc., and the pleasures help to release this chemical.

In virtual reality, we see things that trigger our emotions and play with our minds. Increasing online marketing is the biggest example of virtual reality. Through videos and display ads virtual reality shows that everything on a mobile screen or any electronic gadget is real. A study suggests that the real reasons for being in depression detach from real reality and live in virtual reality


We have already assumed or created a life in our mind which is based on virtual reality. In real life things are different from the way we create in our minds because of Social media. All the wrong decisions we had or have taken in life we took based on our emotions by creating a virtual reality in our mind which is opposite from the actual reality.

Social Media

social media platforms

Social media has its own way to deliver content to viewers. Study shows that virtual reality triggers our emotions and play with them without even knowing us. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc.., must be on our phones. You have become so habitual of using these things that we don’t even realize that time has flown so quickly. Social media is the main base of `.

It has been proven that social media’s virtual reality causes the problem of anxiety. Even medical science has stated that those people who spend so much time on social media suffer from sleep disorders as well. Virtual reality is a fake reality which is not based on actual reality this fact misleads the people and they don’t even realize it.

Recent data shows a surge in increasing internet users.

Coronavirus Enhanced Internet Spending Time

Since the time coronavirus has arrived people have started spending more time on social media platforms because we were strictly not allowed to go somewhere outside. The more we live in virtual reality’s world the higher we will suffer and reality is something else and we have assumed a different world.

Social media’s virtual reality has left us lonely. We have to understand these facts soon, otherwise, things would be so tough.

AI (Auto intelligence) controls us and makes virtual reality on social media. Al is so powerful that it knows where are you right now, what your hobbies are, what do watch the most, and after collecting all it prepares a world that is so much addictive for you and hacks your mind to connect to virtual reality.

We need to increase our awareness of what is real instead of what is fake. work on your mind rather than work through the mind. It is the best way to be in consciousness.



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