
How To Validate, Launch & Grow Your Business Idea?

Despite having fantastic business ideas, most startups and solopreneurs fail to make a profit. No surprise, their ideas have the potential to capture the market’s interest, but they fail to thrive. What causes this to happen? Because they lack the proper plan for validating, launching, and growing their company ideas. Most budding entrepreneurs make the mistake of launching their firm in haste and without a strategy. As a result, their brilliant ideas fail to reach their intended audience, resulting in company failure.

They must put their company idea to the test before releasing it to the public. Only after putting the idea to the test with specialists and a group of customers will they be able to eradicate the potholes. A successful company concept has been supported by study, testing, and planning. Designviva, the largest creative marketplace, explored the topic with industry professionals to educate the entrepreneur community on how to start a company concept.

To begin, what is the proper technique and method for validating your idea?

Have a rule of thumb in mind. If you approach 100 potential clients, they will either utilize or buy your goods. You inquire, “Do you like my product?” What are your thoughts? You show them a prototype, a demo, an early version, and even a PowerPoint presentation. Their response is, “Oh, that’s lovely; I’ll get back to you when it’s done.” If you hear it from almost everyone, you’re dead in the water, and you might as well give up. 

People demand high-quality goods.

That’s because nobody buys a decent product; we all want a terrific product. Why would you use the second or third best, if you think about it? When you download an app, you could think, yeah, that’s quite great. You must elicit such a response from a particular percentage of at least 20% of your potential consumers. That client base must be substantial enough to support the desired growth of the firm. If you want to start a small business, your consumer base might be rather specific. However, to create a unicorn, Designviva thinks that you will require venture funding. Annual revenue for that consumer base must be in the billions of dollars.

How does one validate business idea?

As per Designviva the greatest method to validate is to make as much progress as possible early in the creation of your business. Then proceed to the customer. If you want to have a constant discussion with your consumers, don’t just go to them. It is an iterative procedure in which you go out from the very beginning. What are your thoughts on this concept? Perhaps you’re pitching them orally or presenting them with a PowerPoint. You watch their reaction to seeing whether they seem to think they don’t need it. They don’t need it once they grasp what you have. You must pay great attention to them. Then, once you’ve created a prototype, you go out again. You release another alpha version after you have an alpha version. Furthermore, while you have a beta version, you should never cease communicating with your consumers. That is the greatest method to acquire the input you require to proceed.

Simply begin questioning.

Just listen to what others have to say. Do not conduct frequent checks and fund your small business with your customers. Designviva is a firm believer that receiving money from your clients to solve their problems is the best way to go.

Look for the sore spots.

Another approach is to consider the pain spots and determine what type of problem you are attempting to solve. What is the issue that you are attempting to resolve? Is there a monetary or personal gain to be had from it? It is a little simpler for business-to-business because it is dependent on the product. It is possible to quantify it further. However, the more you can quantify for a person or a business-to-business relationship, the easier it will be. 

It is a matter of Attitude vs. Behavior.

When it comes to putting fresh ideas to the test, Designviva says that attitude trumps conduct every time. That’s because when you ask them, “Would you use that?” they say no. Even if they don’t know you, most people would say yes. Everyone is trying to be kind if they do know you. As a result, you should always think about attitude vs conduct.

Face-to-face conversations are preferable.

That is when you find out whether people will utilize it. That is why Designviva believes polls are tough to create. As a result, my advice would be to avoid the service unless you are skilled at it and have prior expertise.

Save your money.

A third option is to save money at the beginning. This is what Designviva tells folks at the outset of a company.

Create your squad.

Spend 80% of your effort developing your staff. You will be able to survive if you form a strong squad. When you have the proper individuals on your team, you can deploy the product in the most effective method to make money.

Avoid pursuing investors.

It is difficult to raise venture financing in the early stages. Don’t even bother pursuing investors; you need to gain traction. If you wish to make money, you can take up the paid job as a group. You could develop items for other people if you have a fantastic technical co-founder and a brilliant designer.

There is room for everyone.

There is room in the market for several enterprises doing nearly the same thing. They might receive various pricing points, different features, different teams, and different networks. Do not be intimidated by the competition.

Experiment with various models.

Then, explore with each of them on a low-budget basis. This will assist you in determining which channels will click and work for you. 


Make certain that you are well equipped to satisfy financial needs to validate, launch, and expand your company concept. Then, approach venture capitalists with a business plan and begin a discussion with them about your enterprise.


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