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3 ways to generate a high volume of leads while keeping costs down

When pursuing a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising strategy, finding new and innovative ways to drive leads while also minimising costs is key to securing a strong return on investment (ROI) and propelling your business further towards reaching your core goals and objectives. Crucially, if lead generation is a key focus, looking at cost-per-lead (CPL) as a primary metric can help you and your PPC management agency in London to refine your strategy and consistently drive the best possible outcomes for your brand.

If you aren’t sure where to start or you’re looking for some specific strategies that could help you to lower your CPL and secure more, higher quality leads, here are just 3 approaches that have the power to work hard for your business.

1. Utilising the best lead generation tools with PPC management

The most successful PPC strategies are run by teams who understand how to use the right tools and systems to drive qualified leads without resulting in an obscenely high CPL. If you don’t know who is visiting your site, which pages they’re navigating to and how they’re reaching those pages, you are going to struggle to connect with them.

There are a variety of tools available, including those that help you create enticing calls-to-action (CTAs), capture and organise important contact information from your visitors, create slide-ins, pop-ups and hello bars that will act as effective lead flows to transform visitors into leads in an instant, and heat map tools that will help you to understand what your visitors are looking for from your website.

2. Leverage the power of social media

Although marketers often see social media as an important aspect of top-of-the-funnel strategies, social platforms can also be used to drive valuable leads without spending a fortune. The key here is to use platforms in a very strategic way to drive the best outcomes.

One of the most effective tactics here is to incorporate landing page links into offers that consistently perform well on social media. Being as upfront as possible will also be beneficial, so be sure to set a potential visitor’s expectations before they click.

Another approach is to analyse your blog content with regard to lead generation and then consistently link to the posts that generate the largest volume of quality leads within your social media updates.

3. The effective simplification of key landing pages

If your landing pages are too complex or require potential leads to jump through too many hoops. Then you simply aren’t going to secure the results you want to see. It is extremely common for businesses to get a bit carried away. Then you can try to share every possible piece of information at once. As a result, too many landing pages are confusing and cluttered. Which is a sure-fire way to dissuade your audience from engaging further with your brand.

Keeping things simple is often the most effective strategy and in real terms. Which means stripping the page back to its most essential elements. This will often look like this:

– A heading
– Concise information containing the most important facts
– An engaging image
– A form to capture information
– A CTA and button to deliver what your visitors came to the page to receive

However, what if you have more information that you absolutely need to share? Creating a new landing page that highlights a different element of the product or service you offer is often the best solution. Research illustrates that increasing the number of landing pages your strategy contains can increase leads by as much as 55%.

A professional PPC management agency in London can transform your advertising strategy

Partnering with a professional and experienced PPC management agency in London will provide you with access to a reliable team that understand how to utilise specific strategies to drive the best outcomes for your business.

Additionally, you will also benefit from comprehensive multi-channel campaigns with hyper-focused targeting and detailed data analysis. Your team will delve deeply into the effectiveness of your campaign. They uncover key insights that will facilitate the effective refinement of your strategy to drive even more impressive outcomes.

The result of this approach will provide you with more, higher-quality leads. You can channel into your nurture and conversion funnel to transform into loyal, valuable customers.


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