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Premature Ejaculation – Issues and Solutions | Cenforce D


Premature Ejaculation – Issues and Solutions

Simply put PE refers to a condition that causes a man to ejaculate before his partner would like to do, either prior to, or within a short time after having a sexual encounter together. Ejaculation that is premature can also be referre to by the term “rapid ejaculation.

The premature ejaculation of a woman can cause significant discomfort or interpersonal difficulties for a man as well as his companion since it permits neither party to indulge in the sexual experience properly. His partner is also unhappy about not being able to achieve her sexual highest point.

But, a lot of men do have premature ejaculations during sexual interactions, but so long as it doesn’t occur frequently, there’s no reason to be concerned. The duration of time that is considere to be acceptable for PE is however an extremely controversial issue due because men are ejaculated at different periods during sexual encounters. Scientists and researchers have defined premature ejaculation as the condition where a man experiences orgasm within 120 seconds or two minutes following vaginal penetration. Other studies specify the number of penile thrusts. They consider less than 8-15 pre-ejaculation thrusts as premature. However, if this happens regularly the patient could be being treated for PE. Cenforce D medicine is the best treatment for premature ejaculation.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation (PE)

The reasons behind premature ejaculation is not fully understood. It was believed in the past that PE was the result of psychological factors and not biological causes. But there is evidence that the reasons behind PE are more complicated and involve a complicated interaction of biological and psychological elements.

There are two kinds of PE, which are the primary and secondary kinds. Primary premature ejaculation can be described as an illness in which the person suffers from premature ejaculation through his entire sexual existence. However secondary premature ejaculation happens when a man experiences premature ejaculation in later the course of his life due to some or all of the reasons. Most people with premature ejaculation fall in the second group.

Ejaculation is a reflex response that triggers after a certain amount of stimulation has been achieve. So the capacity to regulate the reflex action is largely on the ability of the individual to recognize and control what amount of stimuli that he receives, to ensure that he doesn’t attain the point where he triggers the ejaculatory reflexes of his body prior to when he would like to.

The premature ejaculation of children can be caused by biological and psychological reasons as liste below.

Psychological Causes

The psychological reasons for excessive ejaculation are the following:

Early Sexual Experiences

Although PE is a condition that is seen in males of all ages, however, men of younger ages are more likely to suffer from the disorder. The reason could be due to the established pattern of events that took place during their first sexual encounters. Many of the first experiences of sexual intimacy usually include anticipation, anxiety, and the desire to perform swiftly to keep from being found guilty.

In these first encounters, the performance – they need for “get it right”, is usually the main focus, rather than the fun and erotic side to the entire experience. This is why many young men experience the stage too fast. This may be seen as an issue for these young men. The next time they experience it, they may be afraid of repeating the same thing, which can increase the chance of an early Ejaculation occurring, and consequently, the pattern will be forme. This could persist until adulthood, if not treate.

Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety that is related to the sexual activity of a man or triggered by other issues can be a reason to have premature ejaculation. If sex is associate with enjoyment rather than performance and control, developing ejaculatory control could be a challenge. Therefore, it is better for a man to concentrate on the things that bring satisfaction to his partner and him.

Erectile Dysfunction Fears

Erectile dysfunction sufferers may also experience premature ejaculation because they might be concerned about achieving and maintaining an erection through sexual interactions, and consequently rush to ejaculate fast. When a pattern of speeding to ejaculate has been establishe it can be difficult to change it.

The biological causes

The biological reasons that can cause premature ejaculation are the following:

  1. Abnormal hormone levels
  2. Insufficient levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin.
  3. Reflex abnormality of the Ejaculatory system
  4. Certain thyroid problems can cause thyroid problems.
  5. Inflammation and infection of the prostate, or the urethra
  6. Inheritance of traits

Treatment for early ejaculation

Even though early ejaculation is a common clinical diagnosis, it can’t be considere a disease or illness.

No matter if the cause is a biological or psychological treatment for premature ejaculation are the use of behavioral therapy, psychological counseling as well as medications. It could also be an amalgamation of any of these forms of treatment.

Behavioral Therapy

The use of behavior therapy is beneficial to 60%-90 percent of people suffering from premature ejaculation. In general, regular practice and relaxation will aid in the treatment of the problem. But it is important to note that premature ejaculation often recurs and further behavioral therapy could be require.

Below are a few examples of methods for behavioral therapy which can be use for treating premature ejaculation.

The “Stop and Start” Method

This method was create in the lab of Professor. Helen Kaplan helps men who are experiencing premature ejaculation to know the moment when they’re about to peak and to decrease or slow down stimulation to prolong the period of time before the ejaculation occurs. By adjusting the timing of sexual stimulation, you will be able to extend the duration of sex.

Refraining from Intercourse

Couples might be advise to not engage in sexual relationships for a time in order to reduce anxiety. This can be beneficial since while abstaining from intimate relationships, they can take time focusing on different types of sexual activities which take away the pressure of sexual interactions. This will allow the man to connect with his partner and strengthen the physical connection with his partner.

More Foreplay

In the event of engaging in the more playful activities, partners will aid each other to achieve an arousal level that is high by stimulating one another through cuddling, kissing, or hugging and stimulating the breasts, the genitals, and other erogenous zones prior to co-singing.


In certain cases, it is possible to use behavioral therapy. It could include simple actions like having a masturbation session an hour or two prior to a sexual encounter, which aids in the delaying of ejaculation. It can also stimulate the partner into the point of arousal prior to having sex. In addition, since an ejaculation has been complete, the man is now taking a longer amount of time to ejaculate after engaging in sexual sex of his partner.

Routine Kegel Exercises

Researchers have observed that individuals suffering from premature ejaculation show a quicker neuromuscular response in pelvic muscles. The men who have premature ejaculation triggered due to neurological issues can do certain exercises such as Kegel to aid in gaining the ability to control their PC muscles and give the muscle more control over the process of ejaculation. Another benefit is that it may provide men with stronger erections and, consequently, help relieve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Counseling or Psychotherapy

This may help patients and their loved ones to resolve personal and interpersonal conflicts which could include stress, anxiety,

and resentment which could contribute to premature ejaculation. It is usually more effective when couples participate in sessions together.

Psychotherapy is currently able to help men to master techniques for controlling or delaying ejaculation. They also increase confidence in their sexual performance,

lessen anxiety over performance and modify sexual patterns that are rigid to overcome intimacy issues and

resolve thoughts and feelings that hinder sexual function and increase the communication between the couple.

Antidepressant Drugs

The 1990s marked an era of change regarding the management of premature ejaculation. In the 1990s, doctors discovered antidepressant medications with the potential side effect of slowing the process of ejaculation. This kind of medicine can help as they possess an effect that is common to all of them,

increasing the time required to experience orgasm. For more visit: Hotmedz

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating premature ejaculation. However, research has shown that they are secure and effective. These comprise selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like fluoxetine (Prozac) or paroxetine (Paxil) or sertraline (Zoloft) and tricyclic antidepressants like Clomipramine (Anafranil).


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